So I finally I hope the email works with these pictures... :) The captions are as follows: 740 is slla robb and I in San Giovanni Rotondo last week, 761 is the Swabian castle downtown in Bari, and 800 is me teaching Anziano shaw how to crochet (he did a few rows wonderfully by the way!) These capture what some of my life has been like for the last bit (bug my sisters to put all the pictures I sent at Christmas time up on facebook if you want to see more).
I am so grateful for my family and for the chance I had to talk to them this sunday for Mother's Day. I really am grateful for the belief I hold that I can live with them even after this life is over. Recently I've been studying and thinking a lot about the idea of a family is really the perfect social unit, and that if we learn correctly as we are young that we can have this hope to return back to the eternal family of God. Even if you are an atheist, you can't argue that a mother's love is real and that every human being needs love as the 4th essential element of survival.
In sum, I am continually learning and loving my life here in Italy. I hope you feel that if I can help you in anyway, you know that I am willing to try my best to do so. Thanks for all the encouraging emails and letters!
Sorella Black
Last week's word: occhiolino [oh-key-oh-lee-no] wink
Ital word of the week: capatina
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