Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Compleanno di Sorella Robb!

hiya All!!!
Talk about an amazing way to spend your Birthday, it is snowing outside and absolutely BeAutiful! Mom I just got your package before lunch, so you couldn't have timed it anybetter. Thank you for the nuts, I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was I was missing, but right when I saw those Mrs. Mayes I was in love, especially because they remind me of home. And I love, loved the pictures, Emma you are just so adorable I hope I can be just as cute as you someday :)
Life here is still going strong and speeding up every day. Like really, I am starting to get scared becuase I can hardly keep up. Even though I did not tell anyone about my birthday, Sorella White figured it out and spread the word so this morning while I was doing my laundry all the Sorelle came and sang to me, and then to top it iff, becuase its p-Day our whole zone went to the temple together and it was special as always.
I hope you all had a great Valentines. I have told you how my Companion, Sorella White, has a mother that loves to spoil her, well for Valetines she sent me my very own plate with sugar cookies and a Valentine, it was so sweet. And mom don't worry you asked if I get to run, and its amazing, I go every day except Tuesdays and Sundays, but I also never told you that we live on the 4th floor and our class room is on the 4th floor of another building, so all is well in the MTC.
My companions and I have discovered two favorite pass times, one is to sing. We don't have any music to listen to so we sing what we remember of hymns and then we embellish them. Our other great joy is going to the RC. I know I mentioned it briefly last week, but I don't know if I ever mentioned the fact that we getting to take the chats and answer what ever questions or conversations people want off of mormon.org. On occasion we get stinkers who like to tell me that I should really consider my beliefs, but I just love to tell them my purpose and bear my testimony, it is so amazing to KNOW, and I love that. I have actaually had some really neat conversations with others that have lasted as long as 2 and a Half hours and it is so fun. Sara for example a 25 year old in Alberta Canada was wanting to get baptised but has some concerns. She mentioned she was scared of loosing her personality, and let me know that she is not a girly girl and does not want to be one. I was able to share with her how the gospel has blessed my life, and help her to see that getting baptized requires a change of heart not a change of personality. Its a little hard because its not quite as easy to follow up on people, but boy has it gotten me pumped up to go out and teach in the field.
Tonight is another fireside which is always exciting, and ofcourse Lindsey my all knowing sister thinks she knows but I am looking forward to it, mainly becuase we get to sing in the choir which is so neat, really I mean so neat. It just gives you chills it is that cool.
Well, I hope all is going well. When I was reading this months First presidency message, I was reminded of the saying "Pray as though everything depends on God, work as though everything depends on you." I love that and am so greatful for prayer and hard work. John congrats on your new job. Middle schoolers are amazing, just remember that. I love you all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sam I am sorry I am giong to miss it. MUCH LOVE!!!!!

Sorella Robb

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