Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Companion

Hi I Miei Amici,
So today is a little crazier than most other crazy p-days which is why this is going to be a little on the short side, I do apologize. This morning two Districts left, which meant that I got to go wake up at 4:00. I guess I should back up a little bit and mention that I kind of have a new call as Coordinating Sister, which made me responsible for the departing sisters, their room, well being etc. It has been a fun new challenge, especially just trying to get myself to open up more and be more aware of others needs, and developing love for them. Anyways, they left at four, but one of the sisters had to stay behind because of a little medical need, so she is now my companion as well and will get to enjoy a nice 12 weeks stay rather than 9 measly weeks :) She is doing so well with this sudden change, and today we spent our PDAY going to the doctors office with her, on her Birthday. It was so crazy, we actually went out to the Real World and it really was so odd. When I got in to the Doctors office I just wanted to talk to everyone, but forgot that I am still in Utah so as soon as you began talking they would ask you where you served and tell you where they, or their child served. It was a fun peek though at what is outside these walls, and there was one situation in particular that was a tender mercy for me. As I was reviewing so Italian words I noticed accross the way an old man trying to help an older Asian lady to go through the papers, where normally I would think oh wow that would be an interesting challenge to help someone understand, but I totally was so proud of her, and knew exactly what she felt like. I also realized how much effort and attention both of them were using to understand eachother and it was just neat to watch. I realized that eventhough I may not be able to speak fluently, like this lady I can communicate, and espacially with the aid of the spirit all things can be understood in some way or another.
Other news, Sister Dalton came and spoke to us on Sunday about virtue and said some other things that I really just needed to hear. The spirit was so intense Sunday I was really just an emotional wreck but I absolutely loved every minute of it.
As for missionary experiences, on Monday Italked with a student in London about "mormons" for a school project he is working on, and in the end I ended up sending a referal for the missionaries there, so that was way exciting. The other exciting thing is that we get 8 new missionaries tomorrow, and they are going to Catania!!!! yay! I believe two of them will even be sisters.
Well I have to run or we are not going to getto eat dinner tonight, but mom thanks for letters, and the photos. Grandpa thank you for sharing your wisdom as always. Lindsey you make me laugh. . . thank you. Dad hang in there I am sorry sleep is in short supply these days I hope it all goes well and you learn lots. Jonathan I still have faith that some day you will have enough love to send me a letter, note, email, or even a bill for your groceries if you'd like. Emma I miss you too!
I love you all, I love this gospel, take care and be believing.

Sorella Robb

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