Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Buongionrno Tutti!

Can you believe its already Mercoldi di nuovo? Mom I know exactly what you mean how things run together. We have had an amazing week here though, the work is out of control, and we are just surounded by people who are ready and anxious to learn more about the message of the Restauration, and why we are here. I am getting goosebumps just thinking about some of the lessons, but it has really been neat. I know I have mentioned to you how the members here are great, well they love to share their happiness with their friends, and this week we met with them and a couple about to get married. In the beginning she was saying how it was a beautiful ideas but hard to believe, and by the end, she was emotional as the members shared experiences, and she recalled childhood experiences. It is so cool to see the hand of the Lord in EVERYTHING. Speaking of which, remember how when we flew in to Italy we we lost and two members came out of no where at the peak of our confusion to help us? Well it turns out that they are from Taranto a citta close by, and she is actually an Investigator and just this week received her answer and is going to get baptized! Im apologize that I can not tell you about all the incredible people here, but I really am so lucky.
Mom you asked to hear about a normal day here is how it goes
we wake up, we run, we study (1 hour of personal- LOVE it! then 1 hour together - fantastic!) I don't if I have said it enough, but the scriptures are so great, I just dont know how I managed to get by with so little before. Whenever I read them with concerns for myself, or wondering how I can help others, there are always answers! Sorry about that little plug, but I only say it because I love them and I love you all, so why not put two good things together :) Anyways then we head out in to the real world. It would be nice if we could get appointments in the morning, but this is rare. Therefore we go out on the streets and start talking with everyone, or we ride on buses and talk to people, or we ring their citofono's and talk to them. then at 1 30 when the streets are bare and people are eating their huge meal we go home until 4 when people start to come back out again after they all have feasted and napped. We get to use this time to eat and study the language, and prepare for english course. Then we go back out for appointments and get to talk to everyone we meet along the way. Around nine we return home to plan for the next day and get sleep to do it all over again. It is the life. UN po exhausting, but when the day is over you feel so good, and ready to sleep.
Anyways, thanks for everything! My companion is great, especially about giving me pep talks for courage. Oh one last thing! So I gave a talk on Sunday and it was quite the experience. Long story short I did not have a voice because I was in the peak of sickness, I was worse than a smoker of 50 years. So I my talk with my sick and broken Italian and this was the part I loved. . . The members came up and said "so I could not really understand what you were saying, but I could tell you have a great spirit!" (said with a great big smile on their face) . I love them they are so honest, and animated, I hope you can all meet them someday!

Lets not forget, Happy Anniversary mom and dad! I am so proud to have had you for parents, you both have taught me some amazing things that I now get to go share with others! Also congrats to those engagements in the world... Hilary Harris. Bishop Kennedy sent me a nice little update of the good things happening in Tucson, and it was fun to read and see pictures of people. Speaking of which, lindsey was that an EFY Dance going on there? Joe I think you will be a great runner, and Critter, I have found your Italian twin. His name is Luca Ill have to take a picture for you, even his mannerisms are the same, its kind of wierd. Jonny a letter is in the mail for you today, do you know why? because i think so much of you! Emma, your pictures are all over my wall, and Sam please don't grow up too fast!
Got to Run but i Love Y'all
SOrella Robb

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