Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Grazie Tutti!

Hey Everyone, thanks for the emails, they all gave me a good laugh and it was nice. Joe you have got to be one of the biggest nerds I know, but thank you for the email. Mom, I believe you that you wrote me, who knows maybe it was even a little trial/humbling experience that I needed in my life. As we were on the bus coming over here to do internet I realized that two weeks is the longest period of time I have even been without talking to my family in my whole entire life which equals I am way spoiled!
New news from the mission, this is the last week of the transfer which means next week I will have a new companion, only my second one since I have been in Italy. This Saturday, there are three people getting baptised(!), a young married couple from Africa, and a 19 italian from a small city here near Bari. Oh and the weather, you are going to be jealous of this, last week we hit 46°! Dont worry that is not in F but in C which means it was around 115°F. It is beautiful, we spend all of our time outside in the nice humid heat, with a nice little pile of sweat rolling down our foreheads, sometimes a fan it hand, and life is great!
This last week I have actually spent quite a bit of time thinking, which I know can be dangerous, but I have been trying to discover what my exact purpose and calling is here in Bari. I have been able to teach and talk with some amazing people and sometimes am even their first introduction to the church. We also spend a lot of time visiting the older ladies her who are not able to leave their houses anymore, and together we share and laugh, and cry, and share our lives experiences and testimonies. The other part is our work with the members, and more particularly the youth/ young adults. I am pretty sure I mentioned how we do splits with them often, and they are fantastic missionaries. Infact, Andrea who is getting baptised on Saturday is one of their friends that they introduced to the missionaries. However, they need and I need your help. Unfortunately amoung them they have kind of formed two different social groups which is keeping them from progressing and really helping them be a support for eachother. Quindi, if any of you have ideas of activities, or service projects, or anything that we can do to help unite them and help them get over their differences and learn to really love eachother that would be amazing and very much appreciated!
Family of Mine, have fun in California and know that every inhabitant here in Italy is jealous of you. I can not tell you how many times they say Beautiful the California, no? Then I try to remind them that they live in Italy, and are blessed in many ways and are loved children of a heavenly father. Anyways, I love you all, I love the emails. Have a fabulous week and safe travels and if you have a chance to brainstorm some ideas you will be blessed :) Ciao Belli!
Sorella Robb

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