Monday, October 12, 2009

Che pioggia! What Rain

Ciao Cari!
Hope everyone is doing well sorry today I wrote more personal emails, but here is just a quick story. p.s. Happy Birthday Omi!!!!
Its autumnn time, its autumnn time, the rains are falling down. Like overother week, there are always lots of fun suprises that the Lord has in store, and my companion and I are learning that the best thing we can do is prepare ourselves to accept, understand, learn from and enjoy everything he sends our way. Monday it meant that as we were walking home from a meeting, when we were just five minutes away from our home it decided to POUR rain, we laughed, got drenched and now know to bring and umbrella when the slightest thought enters our mind. On a more missionairy note, last week we went our to visit a couple who lives in Aquaviva. We carefully planned out our schedule to take a train back to bari. Seeing as Italians love to talk, we did our best, reminding them of the time, and pulled up to the station just in time to wave our train goodbye. We then decided to take a bus that was going to leave at 9:08. This menat that we would be late getting home, but we did not have mouch choice. Well, we could not have been more excited to see that the bus decided to come early at 9:00 we rushed on and were excited that we were going home. A few minutes later I turned to my companion and said "are we sure this is going to Bari?" I love Italy, I love the people, but I have never seen a bus come early, we are usually lucky if they are on time. We laughed and then said oh dear, maybe we should say a prayer. So we did and before we knew it the bus stopped, EVERYONE got off and the bus driver asked us when we were planning on getting off. So as it turns out we took a bus in the wrong direction, to a little small town, and all that the bus driver could tell us was that he was not going to Bari, that there would be no more buses passing through this town, and good luck :) Having not much choice we hopped of the bus with our almost dead cell phone and my companion was on the virge of tears. Remembering that I was a missionary I did what we always do and calmly walked up to the one and only couple.
Sorry we are out of time, but basically this story does not end there. They gave us a ride home, and she is reading the Book of Mormon. They had been debating about going out that night, and even when they do go out they never go to that part where we were, in need. Heavenly Father Answers our prayers even if it is in a very about way. Love you all! Don't forget to share your testimonies, that is how they grow!
Sorella Robb

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