Monday, October 12, 2009


Ciao Famiglia!
Emma Dear I love you, I am so proud of how brave and how strong you are, plus now you will always have a really cool story to share and will never forget your 10th birthday! And joe, critter and sam, thanks for the letter I absolutely loved it. Mom you must have been inspired because I received that today instead of an email. I hope your morning was not too stressful, I almost went in to shock just reading about it, I cant imagine how you might have felt. Joseph have patience and especially right now just try and have good clean fun. Critter I am excited to hear more about your basketball things, and Emma, I loved what you wrote! I can not believe you write so well, are you sure mom did not write that for you? or maybe it was misty, did misty write that?
As for my week, it does not seem to have been quite as action packed as yours, but it was interesting, and uplifting and there were many lessons learned. Friday we had a zone conference, and then Saturday and Sunday were general conference so were very well feed spiritually this week. I really enjoyed the talks of Elder Bednar and Elder Uchtdorf. How Elder Uchtdorf mentioned that God really does not have need of our prayers but we have need of talking with Him (or something along those lines, but stated a lot better), I really liked and thought about. Right now we are still working with Franco and Margheritta who have a 26 year old son who is slow, and the other day she mentioned how she loves when she is with us, because she forgets about her problems, and feels good, and yet because she is not happy other times she says she does not feel like praying. I have such a strong testimony of prayer though, because I know that it helps us so much more to understand, accept and enjoy what we have. We can develope a relationship with our Heavenly Father who does love us, and when we ask Him, he is more than willing to help us out.
Speaking of Helping us out we had quite the experience monday morning, for which I am slightly embarassed and very greatful. WE were sitting down in the basement of the church for our District meeting with all of the missionaries in our ward. Anziano Dicataldo was giving a wonderful lesson on personal inspiration and Elder Nelsons talk when I felt that maybe we should go upstairs. Usually there is someone working in the church in the morning doing yardwork etc. so I rationalized and decided that I was being silly. My companion then said something and we both dimissed it. Anyways, we finished up our lesson and went upstairs to find the church torn apart. Fast offering envelopes were all over, there were keys on the ground, and the cabinet where I keep my viola was opened as well. We went to the front door to see what was going on, where we found the bishop on the otherside with a stranger. Not having know that this person had been in the church already, the bishop did not really react when this person quickly ran away. Anyways the story is, that during this lesson of inspiration, all of us missionaries were being prompted to do something and ignored it. In the meantime a man broke into the church and searched for money which of course was nowhere to be found. Also, by some miracle the bishop happened to enter right at the perfect time when this man was leaving and knew that something was wrong. Moral of the story is that when we receive promptings, no matter how silly they seem we should follow them. The other thing is that Heavenly Father is patient becuase even after I told my companion the other day that I felt I needed to take my viola out of the church she said, dont worry about it so i didnt, and then 3 days later this happened. My viola cas was out and opened, I honestly do not understand why, but the robber did not take it, and I learned a great lesson.
Well our time is out, I have to run. LIndsey I did get your email, thank you. I kind of thought that might be the case with elle, how exciting! Hope everyone is enjoying October. Happy Birthday grandpa Jarman, and Robyn Barrow thanks for the email, it is always nice to hear from my beloved New Mexicans!
Love ALways, that is to say I love you all Dearly,
Sorella Robb

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