Saturday, September 19, 2009

6 more weeks in Bari! What a treat!

Mom, Lindsey, Dad!
Sounds like everyone surived and I am so glad! Mom I can't wait to hear more about your trip In a year, it sounds like it was quite the adventure, and I am sure you took plenty of pictures. Lindsey, you do not sound like you have changed much at all since I left, your writing totally brings out your whole personality. If you need to get rid of things I understand, and it's better now when there is nothing I can do about it.
As for transfers, we were with two of our contacts, Piera and Valentina, two 16 year old girls who are ready and wanting to get baptized but have to wait to turn 18, we were all together when the phone rang and president asked to talk to me. We were all scared because the only reason he calls is to inform missionaries of transfers... so he asked me how I was doing and then the line dropped. having no idea what happened we waited till the next down and discovered that he felt I need to stay here for one more and that I would be a co senior companion with Sorella Wendorf. I am so excited and we were all so happy. Right now our work has really picked up and there are so many miracles.
This week has already been one of the highlights of my mission easily. There is a Lady named Dana who is Hebrew, from Israel, and through a member there not smoking or drinking she became curious, he said nothing as he is not aloud, but she discovered the Book of Mormon. Long story short, she came here and this week we taught her every single part of the gospel, all the lessons in English, and the spirit and everything was incredible. She is ready to be baptized, and wanting to be baptised, and in time she will be. She is an excpert on the Old Testament as that is what she grew up on, and it was so incredible as we shared parts of the story of the restauration and plan of salvation she would open up to verses in the bible and say, "oh my goodness, that makes so much more sense!" She descibed it as having a messy room and that everytime we talked she was able to put things in their place. We all learned and profited a lot from it. She asked lots of really good questions, and we either had the answers or had the opportunity to go home and study, learn, and share with her. She also was excited as words in the Book of Mormon have meaning in Hebrew, such as Zarahemla means seed of compassion, and she said that there is no way Jospeh Smith ever could have known that.
Anyways, it is so neat having the opportunity to share with other these treasures, and our testimonies, and literally getting to watch their faces light up. I love the history and the story of Joseph Smith as it picks up all the little scattered pieces of the Gospel. I love Bari and am trying not to eat too much of the Focaccia, but its not easy :)
Sorry we don't have a lot of time today, but there is always next week. P.s. there was another baptism last Sunday and there is another one coming up this week. Our members are all way excited as they said they have not seen a period with so much work and so many new members for years. I love it, I love Bari, and I love you all. Take care!
Jonny I am so proud to be your sister, keep it up, and Peter, I can not even to begin to express how happy I am for you, I absolutely adore Kristin. Anyways hope everyone has a great weekend! Shalom!

Sorella Robb

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