Saturday, December 19, 2009

Emma I love you!

Okay, mom and Lindsey, I am going to apologize right now because once again we are left without time to write and I thought that maybe this week I should try and write a little something for everyone. Emma guess what? You are never going to believe who I met this week! I met your twin, and she is Italian! Her name is Gretta. We were over at Benito's house visiting him when his grandaughter walked in and he said, she is turning 10 on October 25th, and I said No WAy that's my little sisters birthday! So do not worry we took a picture together and I will send it to you!
Everything is changing her in Bari and it is so fun! The work and the weather is just insane. Last monday we had one of the hotest days of the year, and then it was followed up by Tuesday that was wintercoat and gloves cold. As far as our work goes we had 5 people that made progress this last week, which may not sound like such a big deal, but for us it was. Francesca who is that hoot who own the store that is open on Sundays and so cant come to church is selling her store! Franco, Margherita, and Tomaso came for Leo Juans baptism and loved it and after ward went over for a family night with one of our fantastic widowed members and it went so well, and they really want to gain a testimony. One of my favorite parts was a phone call that we recieved Monday night. We have been going out to conversano a little city not to far to visit a family with 7 kids! and the youngest daughter who is 11 called me and said, "sorella robb, I was talking to my mom, and we both agreed, and she said I can get baptised on Sunday!" We were very excited for her, unfortunately Sunday is probably a little to soon still, but her excitement was incredible and it is going to be such a blessing for her family as well. Her mom mentioned how she did not know how to explain it, but that ever since we began going over there home environment has changed. It is just so amazing getting to she the joy that enters peolpes lives as they begin to understand Heavenly Father's love for them.
Now for the sad news, transfer calls come tomorrow and there is a chance I will be leaving, which I am not ready for, so we will see what happens, and I am so greatful for President Taranto who always seems to know our needs and not just our wants. So next week I will let you know if anything has changed.
Well Emma I hope you have a fantastic, Amazing 10th birthday, that is pretty crazy that in 10 years you will be 20, but do you know whats even scarier, I will be 32! Happy Recovery! I love you and always love to hear from you. Happy End of Daylight Savings! I love you all!!!
Sorella Robb

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