Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Che Umidita!

Buona Sera Tutti!
The weather these days seems to bring with it lots of himidity and leaves me hanging with two curly strands of hair and a really shiney face in photos, but people are returning from vacation and seem to be happier, which means our life is going great! This Friday we finally managed to pull off the American breakfast (for dinner) that we have been talking about doing for a long time, and it was a huge success. I never would have guessed that pancakes were so special, but they are, and Banana bread is an even greater treasure for them. It was so perfect though because we had a couple of families come who we have been talking to for a while, and they were able to come and visit with our members and everyone had a good time. The most exciting part was that Antonio and his 8 year old son Francesco came to church the next day and were warmly welcomed by Leo (who just turned 8) and many others. It was definetly a christmas in agosto!
Other news, yellow mellon season is ending, but grape season is just getting started and they are so good! Its crazy because all of those stories and parables in the Bible about fig trees, olive, and vineyards actually have a great signifance here. There is a rule here in Italy that anything hanging over the side walk or on public land is free for the public, so sometimes we even get to take a fresh fig right from the tree on the way to our appointments, and we'll just say that they are delicious.
The biggest highlight however from this week would be the lesson we had with Francesca. She is our investigater who pretty much says everything how it is, is very blunt, but very real and sweet at the same time. Anways she met us in church and was just going off about how insanely crazy her life is, unpredictable and how its prettymuch madness. We then talked with her for a second, answered a few questions and then we taught her about the restauration. We told her the story of Joseph Smith and bore testimony and then she just sat there for a second, and then said. "oh my goodness, i ca not think of the word, but what is it that you all have? I just feel so good, I could close my eyes and sleep, I just don't want to leave, I don't want this to go away!" It was so incredible the feeling in that room, and then we told her that she can feel that way all the time, that that is the spirit!
It was pretty incredible and she was excited to make the commitment to invest a little more time in the scriptures.
Anyways, it is always way exciting when others confirm for you the things you already know are true are true for them as well. It is such a blessing have this time to share my testimony, I just feel bad it has taken me so long to realize all the treasures I have been hording all this time.
Emma I would love to here from you sometime babe. Dad, keep up the good work, I received a letter from Bro. Giles and it sounds like you all have a lot of good challenges on your plate. Joe be careful that your muscles do not get too big, and Critter, don't forget to do your homework ;) Jonny you know how I feel about you, best of luck and be good. I love you all! Vi voglio una montagna di bene!

Sorella Robb

Ps. I still need omi and papas address if anyone has it. Thanks!

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